
Best image formats for mac pages
Best image formats for mac pages

best image formats for mac pages

Extract Images from Microsoft Word Document If you want to go back to the original Pages version of your file after you get your photos out of that folder, you can either use the duplicate you created above or change the file’s extension back from “.zip” to “.pages,” which should just return it to its original glory. From here, you can copy or move the images to another location, or insert them into your latest document or presentation. Within that new folder, look inside the “Data” subfolder, and you’ll find both small and large versions of each image that the Pages file had embedded.The folder will have the same name as the original Pages document. Next, double-click the now “zip” file to extract its contents and open the extracted folder that appears.Press Return to confirm the change, then confirm the change when prompted.If you do see “.pages” at the end, replace it with “.zip.” This should work even if you can’t see the file’s “.pages” extension at the end of its name just type “.zip” at the end if that’s the case. Then, press the Return key on your keyboard to enter the renaming mode. Change the file’s extension from. Once you find the Pages file, use your mouse or trackpad cursor and click once to highlight it.If you don’t immediately know its location, you can use the Finder search function to search by filename or tag.

best image formats for mac pages

Choose where you want to save the image and then click save again. If it is too big, you might need to lower the quality down to 50%. Check to make sure your photo size is around 100K or less before you save it.Otherwise, the picture will load in full quality, but only a bar of information at a time.)

best image formats for mac pages

( Progressive means that when you first get to your web page, it will show a low quality version of the full picture that will progressively gets sharper as the page loads. Make sure you have the checkbox for “Progressive” checked. Select JPEG and lower your quality down to 60%.

  • Go to File>Export>Save for Web (Legacy).
  • Double check resolution How to Save for Web Correctly Check progressive when saving them for web Even if a page with large images seems to load quickly on campus, these same pages may take much longer to load elswehere. Large image file sizes over 200k significantly increase page load times. How to Save Images for Web in Photoshop The Web and File Sizes

    Best image formats for mac pages