
Psi Ops Save Game
Psi Ops Save Game

Psi Ops Save Game

Unfortunately, many individuals never got the answer to that question. The fact of the matter was the game did incredibly well critically, with several sites and players wondering if there was ever going to be a sequel or, indeed, a series based off the title.

Psi Ops Save Game

What does this have to do with Psi-Ops though? Well, upon release, the Midway Games shooter was very much rooted in the same discussion. Almost ensuring there would be no sequel to arrive. These games, although functional, would find themselves at the negative end of reviews. On the other side of the spectrum, we have the less notable titles, including the likes of Haze, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, and Trigger Man, to name a few. There are several good examples in this regard, such as Killer 7, God Hand, and Eternal Darkness (pretty much covered my whole month for the series here), which all received general praise for overall quality and deviation from the norm. However, if one were to go back around ten years or so, near the end of the PS2 and rise of the Xbox 360, one-offs were a far more significant outcome for developers who were, at the time, just trying to get new properties off the ground. With the amount of sequels and remasters that find their way onto the scene, it’s almost impossible for a title not to be continued in some form or another. One hit wonders in gaming are becoming less and less of a staple as each year passes. With that being said, today I’ll be asking the question: “Whatever Happened to… Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy?” Has there ever been a point when you’re looking through your gaming library and wondered, “Huh, whatever happened to this title?” Well, I’ll be taking a look at videogame standalones/franchises and the lead up to their eventual absence.

Psi Ops Save Game

Articles // 27th Jun 2017 - 5 years ago // By Ethan Butterfield Whatever Happened To.

Psi Ops Save Game